1 Test City Online

January 18, 2024 - September 30, 2024

Drop off location:

VFW Hall-9550 Pflumm

Test, Georgia 66215


Title is in heading 1.

Then the description line or other important information would be in heading 4. You can change the color to pink if you'd like!

Section titles like this would be in heading 5.

Then paragraphs or lists would be in the paragraph font. The rest of this paragraph is dummy text just to give you a visual. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Put an extra space below these paragraphs.


You might have another section with a title, this would also continue to be in heading 5.

Then paragraphs or lists would be in the paragraph font. The rest of this paragraph is dummy text just to give you a visual. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

At the end, if you have something you'd like the reader to do you can put it in a font that get's there attention.

Example below:


Sign up to be a consignor here in heading 2 >



What is consigning? Find out!

It is easy to sell your kids' outgrown items at our sale at the Overland Park Convention Center.

A Note to New Consignors!

Special for NEW consignors who have never sold their kids' outgrown items at any Kid's Closet Connection sale.

Receive a $15 KCC gift card at drop off so you can shop our consignor presale on Tuesday, Aug.2 at 4-9pm and see just how many great top quality items we have at unbelievable prices! 

Important: Enter code promoF16 in the "Promo" code field when registering as a consignor. This promotion is only for NEW consignors to KCC. You must consign at least 25 items and you can pick up gift card at consignor drop off. This offer cannot be combined or used with any other consignor offers.


Sign Up NOW! Here is how:

Consignor Earnings:
  • Consignors make up to 75% of the selling price by volunteering before, during or after the sale!  A vast array of volunteer positions available-there is something for everyone!  If you cannot volunteer in some capacity, your consignor percentage will default to 65%.

    • Volunteer one shift and you will earn 70%* of your sales and you are invited to shop at our Volunteer Presale, Tuesday Aug. 2, at 3pm

    • Volunteer two shifts and you will earn 75%* of your sales and you are invited to shop at our Volunteer Premier Presale on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 2pm. Sign up NOW to volunteer!

    • Note: The maximum payout for each shift a volunteer works shall not exceed $50 for a three hour shift.

  • Refer a friend and your $12.50 consignor fee will be waived. Friend must consign at least 25 items.

  • Pay your consignor fee just once per season - there's no fee for your second or third sale in a given season (spring versus fall). 

  • Transfer your items after the sale to one or more of our other 5 KCC sales in the area! Check out a listing of the other sales in the area!

  • Shop at our consignor presales before we open to the public Tues, Aug 2 at 4pm-9pm

  • No item limit! You can bring as many items as you would like, as long as it meets our seasonal requirements.  See Acceptable Items page.

  • Enter your items right up until your drop off time. We never close our tagging portal!

  • Simple and speedy consignor drop off!  Take your items directly to the sales floor; no waiting around for your clothing to be inspected!  Table items will be inspected at drop off.  (Note:  Check your items carefully for spots, missing buttons, season appropriate, to make sure they will pass inspection.)  Items will be inspected Tuesday morning before opening for our presales.  All items found inferior will be placed in an holding area to be picked up at the consignor presale or during consignor pickup.  

  • Clothing items sorted at consignor pickup! Your clothing items will be sorted by sort code if you plan on picking up your items after the sale!   If time permits, items will be sorted by consignor number within sort code. This will make the pickup process quick and easy!

  • NoTimeToTag?  Let us tag your items for you!  Email Sharon at overlandpark.ks@kidscloset.biz for more information!

How it Works

This text will now replace the previous text.

Heading 1 37.33 pt

Heading 2 --28pt

Heading 3--22 pt

Heading 4 --14pt

Heading 5 --15.5pt
